Photographer of the week: Ana Francisconi

Ana Francisconi is a beauty and portrait photographer from Brazil. Let's discover her work with 13 photos in full-resolution - smile! To see more from Ana: Her Instagram [] > Read On: Photographer of the week: Alexander Lindsay […

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Photographer of the week: Alexander Lindsay

Alexander Lindsay is a photographer we particularly like for his monumental landscape photos and that we have already presented before. He has developed his own techniques to capture and print, in minute detail and on an epic scale, wilderness regions of the world. Today, he comes back with an exhibition…

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Photographer of the week: Mark Harpur

Mark Harpur defines himself as a gypsy photographer traveling the world to educate people about sustainable living. Let's discover his work with 15 photos in full-resolution and always close to the water! To see more from Mark: His blog [] > Read On: Photographer of…

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