This week on the blog, we do things differently with no photographer interview, but instead, we discuss with French parts model Matilde Simone.

With wide experience as a hand model and body specialist, Matilde travels between Europe and the USA to pose for famous beauty, luxury and lifestyle brands. Let's discover the life of a model with this interview and series of 15 photos powered by Prodibi!

A few words about you, how did you start photography?

I started my career doing commercial modeling for e-commerce, showrooms, fitting and some of the photographers I used to work with told me that I also had good hands, skin, and body, and that I could do body parts modeling too. At this time, I also did academic nude shootings, so I was very comfortable with my body. I introduced myself to a specialized agency for parts models in Paris for advertising and magazines and I signed with them. Since this moment, I have worked more and more in body parts and I would say it is now 90% of my model activity. I work in Paris mostly but also in Switzerland. I travel quite a lot.

You work with a lot of photographers, how do you find them?

I don’t really look for photographers. I am represented by an agency (nonexclusive contract) and I also work as a freelance. So my agent proposes castings, but for my own business I must prospect and find new clients. I sometimes contact photographers I know I can work with but also advertising agencies directly to introduce my work. More and more, I am contacted directly by clients by word of mouth or recommendations.

What are the keys to a good collaboration on a project? Any do's and don'ts

For me, a good collaboration is above everything to respect each other in a team. I don’t know something more painful than working with a team with tensions and disrespect. It is awful and I am very sensitive to that. I respect the work of everyone and I want the others to respect me as well and help me to do my job properly. If I would give advice to a client, find people that are happy to work, easygoing, not too much ego, no drama and good food on the set ;)

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Can you explain how you prepare yourself for a great session? Any particular tools or routine you have?

For a great session, I usually take care of myself the night before. I do body scrub and moisturizing, if I do an important hand model job, I will make a small manicure or I will go to make it by a professional manicurist. I try to sleep early even if sometime I am too excited and afraid to not hear the alarm, so generally, I don’t sleep very well… Finally if I have the brief of the shoot, I will try to do some poses and work a bit before, find some inspirations on the brand’s social media etc.

Where do you find your inspiration? Are you inspired by the work of other artists, models?

Actually, I love photography and cinema so I try to watch a lot of movies and to see some exhibitions when I can. Instagram is a huge inspiration field, I follow photographers (to give some names Tony Kelly, Thomas Lagrange, Paolo Roversi, Miles Aldridge, Brigitte Niedermair, Marius Sperlich, posthumous account of Guy Bourdin as well) but also manicurists, makeup artists, fashion magazines, agencies, brands. When I see something interesting, I save it for later. Besides, I also try to get an eye on my competitors because it is always important to position you and to see the best practices. Modeling is a business like any other.

To see more from Matilde Simone:

Her Website

All photographs used with her permission.

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