This week on the blog, we discover the superb fashion art photography of the twin sisters Dasha and Mari from Kiev, Ukraine.

Specialising in Fashion, Art Nude and Psychological Portrait, the photos they create have a cinematic feel, it is original and storytelling. Let's discover how the sisters are creating together in this series of 15 photos!

A few words about you, how did you start photography? Who is behind Dasha and Mari?

Our journey in Art starts from childhood when we both drew imaginative images and sketches of women. Oftentimes we depicted them in sensual manner, fantasising about their outfits and surroundings.

Photography came into our life naturally, when our father presented the first 35mm film camera for our 16th birthday. We began with back and white portraiture and various cinematic scenes where some of our friends took part as actors. As twin sisters, we complement each other in all situations, behind the camera and in life circumstances.

How do you collaborate together?

In our case, particularly, it is a natural way of cooperation, we work as a team. We both care for art direction, styling, photography and post production as well. We like to control the process from the beginning till the end result, as it is art photography where we have our own style and creative vision. Originality and quality are essential in our work.

You create sophisticated fashion photos, can you briefly explain your creative process?

It is true, our photography is original and storytelling, it contains a dose of cinematic context. As a rule our work reminds a theatre or preparation to the movie scene. We both discuss the idea and compositions we wish to create, choose suitable styling, location, details and accessories.

Frequently we work with two cameras, but it may happen that we use only one film camera and exchange it between us during the creative process of shooting because we feel and understand each other without words.

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Where do you find your inspiration? Are you inspired by the work of other photographers or artists?

We can be inspired by not traditional beauty, we mean not typical for common taste. For example, it can be a rare branchy plant, specific unusual place or atmosphere, etc. But also we may find it in everyday life, in a dialogue with an interesting person, in reflection of bright stockings in a window-shop, vintage shoes or deep voice of a singer. Of course we like good films, clothes and architecture from past epochs, we enjoy combination of colours and materials in art.

About your photography gears, what are your favourite tools?

As artists we prefer medium format film cameras like Hasselblad, Pentax 67. Also we like Nikon brand among film and digital cameras.

Do you have projects for the future like workshops, personal series or travels?

We have been invited to Italy for the workshop recently. In the meantime we work on our personal art photography series and present works at Art Galleries in Europe and Australia afterwards. Many of our photography works can be purchased in the form of art prints.

Regarding traveling, we plan a few trips to new destinations, where we haven’t been yet ;)

To see more from Dasha & Mari:

Their Website

All photographs copyright Dasha and Mari and used with their permissions.

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