This week on the blog, we talk to a young photographer and filmmaker from Madrid, Spain: Alex Fernández.

Focusing on cinematic shots to create his own atmosphere, Alex takes the streets of big cities as his playground.

Let's discover Alex's work of street cinematographer in this interview with 16 photos in full resolution!

A few words about you, how did you start photography

I’m Alex, I was born in Madrid, Spain. Since I was very young I have been involved in all kinds of audiovisual subjects, but in the last couple of years I have been more focused on photography and cinematography. Since I started to go out with my camera, I’ve been wanting to create more and capture more moments of life, scenes and ambients in the streets that made people think, and awake feelings. The last two years I have been studying cinematography and now I am more focused on that aspect, and I think it reflects in my photography style.

Did you try other photography styles? Or street photography has always been your favorite one?

Sometimes I like to try other styles, but, in the end, street photography is what I feel more passionate about. Going outside to explore the city and find scenes to capture is what really makes me enjoy photography; creating memories.

You are a photographer and a filmmaker, how does it change your creative process and approach?

Cinematography has changed the way I see photography; now I focus more on creating ambients in the streets that can make you feel like you are in a film. I usually search locations that I have seen in movies and go shooting there to see what I can find. I focus on the light, creating contrast between the subjects and the different ambients, trying to create a lonely atmosphere.

What was your favorite trip? Why?

Last winter I traveled to New York for the first time; it has always been my dream to reach this city, and when I was there I feel like I was at home. The streets of this city, what can I say, I would like to stay there forever, but I always want to travel more and meet new cities and places. I also fell in love with Stockholm and his weather.

Are you inspired by the work of other photographers or artists?

I always find inspiration in other artists, a lot of them are photographers, but I mainly search inspiration in films, cinematographers like Roger Deakins and Lubezki. The truth is that Blade Runner is my big inspiration; the night, the rain, the neons, the light, silhouettes, I am always searching for that in my photography. Music also inspires me a lot.

Read on: Spontaneous and unplanned fine art moments with street photographer Alan Burles

About your photography gears, what are your favorite tools?

I try to mix quality and comfort. If I travel, I tend to not stop for 24 hours and I don't like to carry a lot of weight, that's why I always prefer to wear a single lens, prime lens always, 35mm is my favorite.

Do you have projects for the future like workshops, personal series or travels?

I would like to have some exhibitions in the future, maybe soon. I really want to explore Asia; I think some cities there like Hong Kong or Shanghai fit perfectly with what I´m searching in my photography style. Also I want to go back to New York and keep visiting Europe. Let’s see what the future holds.

To see more from Alex:

Alex's Website

All photographs copyright Alex Fernández and used with his permission.

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