You have a website on WordPress but you suffer from low quality and poor performance when it comes to your images, how can you solve these issues? Simple, it is a matter of seconds to have full resolution photos on your WordPress website with the Prodibi Photo Library Plugin!

Compatible with the new Gutenberg WordPress 5.0, you can add in 1-click your Prodibi blocks and shortcodes to have the best quality and speed to provide an unprecedented visual experience to your viewers.

The new Prodibi WordPress plugin is available starting today on Prodibi Photo Library - come try it with your pictures!

Prodibi's mission is to help you showcase and share your images in full-resolution online. We want to simplify as much as possible your life as a photographer so you can focus on what matters the most: creating amazing photos

Following the launch of our Lightroom and Capture One 12 plugins, you can now add your Prodibi images and albums into your WordPress website in 1-click.


About the Prodibi plugin for WordPress

You have just created your albums, uploaded your full resolution pictures, and you now want to embed them into your websites. Nothing simpler, follow these steps:

  • Install the Prodibi plugin and login to your account. If you don't have one yet, create one from the plugin or on, it is free.

  • Once logged in, you need to go to your post editor to access the Prodibi image and album blocks.

  • By clicking the "+" buttons where you want to insert a block, you will have access to two Prodibi options: Prodibi Image and Prodibi Album. You can find these blocks by going to the Widget section or by entering "Prodibi" in the search bar.


  • Once embedded, you will have the option to select the image or album you would like to display.

  • Finally, by clicking on Block Settings, you will have access to additional options to configure the way you want to showcase your photos.


PRO TIP: The pictures you export with the Prodibi Capture One or Lightroom plugin will be immediately available in your Prodibi WordPress plugin; you can now update your WordPress website in just a few seconds!

*READ ON: Prodibi Feature Spotlight: New plugin for Capture One 12

See the video below for a visual explanation and to see the result!

And remember, with Prodibi, your images are fully responsive, zoomable, perfectly compressed and optimized, and speeded up by top-tier CDNs.

You can download the WordPress plugin on this web page: Prodibi WordPress Plugin

About Prodibi

Prodibi is a unique image display solution that allows you to showcase and share your pictures in full quality and full speed on the web and mobile. We provide the best quality and best speed for any image of any size on any device.

We take care of everything for you automatically in seconds, from the upload to the encoding and delivery of your images.

Prodibi is free to use; create an account on our website and try with your photos.

Reach out to us with any question you may have and share your photo albums with us @Prodibi on all social networks

Prodibi is the quality, powerful, and easy way to showcase and share full-resolution images online. We help photographers display stunning images on the web and mobile.

Try it for free on Prodibi