July is over, for some of us it is time to get back to work but for others, August has just started and it is time to have a bit of fun! We propose you to discover the Part II of our Top 10 MOST-READ posts from 2018: the best interviews with the best images in full resolution, powered by Prodibi as usual.

Here we go!

== - Click the title to go to the corresponding article - ==

1# A study on the omnipresence of contrast and its beauty, see the work of Julien Apruzzese in 5 diptychs

We focus on this interview on one specific series of photos that we particularly enjoyed viewing: the study of contrast, light, and curves by the French photographer Julien Apruzzese

Discover this stunning series about the omnipresence of contrast and its beauty, in diptych reading with 10 photos powered by Prodibi!

To the full post: Julien Apruzzese

2# The small pleasures of an intimate and dreamy landscape photography with Jaume Llorens

Jaume was born in Catalonia and has a passion for landscape and nature photography. Through his photographs, he tries to capture some of the emotions he feels in the countryside, emotions that connect us with our natural environment and our roots; "It seems that everything pushes us to disconnect from nature," says Jaume Llorens.

We present you in this interview a selection of his intimate, beautiful, and quiet nature pictures, all powered by Prodibi.

To the full post: Jaume Llorens

3# Capturing inspiring street shots of interacting colors and bodies with Craig Whitehead

We focus in this post on a prolific street photographer we particularly like from Cambridge, UK: Craig Whitehead

Craig's playground is the streets where he loves to combine both colors and bodies in perfect compositions. Let's immerse ourselves in the streets of Cambridge with him and his stunning photos!

To the full post: Craig Whitehead

4# Twisting reality into surreality, you can dream with open eyes with Mati Gelman

Mati is an incredible artist who uses image manipulation techniques to create unique, dark, and whimsical fantasy. His techniques enable fascinating visuals to come together through dynamic postures and dark colors.

Discover his aesthetic focusing on the connections between forces of nature and the human body, all powered by Prodibi!

To the full post: Mati Gelman

*Read On: Summer essential 2018: Prodibi most-read blog posts for your holidays (Part I) and Winter essential 2018: Prodibi most-read blog posts for your holidays

5# Scenery and beauty of landscape photography and time-lapse video through the eyes of Samuel Ferrara

Samuel has a clear motto that drives his passion: "no matter where beauty exists, that's where I want to go". His creative endeavors include the use of Timelapse and motion-control equipment alongside still photography, and he travels throughout Europe, and around the world to pursue his creative dreams.

Dive into his story, videos, and pictures in high res, all powered by Prodibi!

To the full post: Samuel Ferrara

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