"It seems that everything pushes us to disconnect from nature," says Jaume Llorens, our photographer of the week on the Prodibi Pixel Magazine!

Jaume was born in Catalonia and has a passion for landscape and nature photography. Through his photographs, he tries to capture some of the emotions he feels in the countryside, emotions that connect us with our natural environment and our roots.

We present you today a selection of his intimate, beautiful, and quiet nature pictures, all powered by Prodibi.

A few words about you, how did you start photography?

I started when I was a teenager, after attending a photography workshop held at the high school where I studied. I loved it. For this reason, I told my parents that I wanted to keep learning photography and I took a distance learning course where I learnt photographic theory and technique. At the same time, I set up a very simple laboratory at home where I started developing negatives and my own black and white photographies. For me, all this world was absolutely amazing.

Have you tried other photography styles? Or nature has always been your favorite subject?

I feel more comfortable with nature or landscape photography. Much more than photographing people, or doing street photography, in the midst of the city. In fact, I think it may be the perfect excuse to enjoy nature and get lost in it, experience moments of peace and connect with our origins.

Modern society pushes ourselves away from nature to the limit that sometimes it seems that we are not part of it. I think that with photography I can bring back this lost contact. I try to get closer to my environment in a contemplative attitude, as much receptive and respectful as I can. I entrust myself to the emotions, mystery or beauty that these moments convey me. For me, these moments of solitude in the middle of nature become a real gift.

For you, what describes a successful picture and why?

I think that it must be able to connect with some kind of emotion or have a strong aesthetic value. Or both at the same time. Pictures should go beyond the day to day life...and always suggest more than just describe. I enjoy myself very much when the image contains some kind of visual poetry.

You recently published an art series called "around me"; how did you come up with this idea? Why the name "around me"?

The raw material of my photographs is very close to my surroundings. I am lucky to live only a few meters away from a magnificent natural environment, the Banyoles lake, where most of my images are taken. I usually leave home with my bicycle and the camera to get lost around. I do not move myself long distances. I often perform a photo shoot only a few meters from the shore. The water, its reflections, its hypnotic movements, the vegetal shapes, and colors... all of them become endless and changing sources that gift us with scenes to photograph. 'Around me' is a collection of these images. It tries to be an intimate, reflective approach to the kind of nature that surrounds me, observed from that contemplative attitude we commented before.

**Around me: Triptych one**
**Around me: Triptych two**
###What would be your advice for beginner nature photographers? Above all, I would advise them to enjoy nature and feel part of it. Especially, that they listen to the landscape, hear how nature speaks and questions us emotionally. Also, to work with no rushes, just let the images stand a few days before editing them to retrieve them with a new fresh view. Experience as much as possible without being afraid of making mistakes. And finally, do not stop consuming art or culture in any of its forms, not just photography.

###About your photography gears, what are your favorite tools? I am used to working with a Canon 5D III and a 70-200 f/4. And I also try to have a 50 mm f/1.4. With this lenses, I shot 95% of my photos.

***Read On:** [Scenery and beauty of landscape photography and time-lapse video through the eyes of Samuel Ferrara](https://mag.prodibi.com/2018/04/20/scenery-and-beauty-of-landscape-photography-and-time-lapse-video-through-the-eyes-of-samuel-ferrara/) and [A particular love for bad weather and philosophy, nature photography with Marta Anna Løvberg](https://mag.prodibi.com/2018/09/14/a-particular-love-for-bad-weather-and-philosophy-nature-photography-with-marta-anna-lovberg/) ###Do you have projects for the future like workshops, personal series? The most immediate project is to participate in a collective exhibition with a group of photographers called 'Photogènika' in Berguedà (north of Barcelona), this summer. I have some other idea, but at this moment it's too preliminary to bring forward anything. What I would really like to do in the near future is to contact a representative abroad to expand the audience for my work. It would be really great!

###To see more from Jaume: His Website Instagram page Facebook page

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