This week on the Prodibi Pixel Magazine, let's go to one of the most beautiful places in the UK, Somerset, to meet with Fashion & Documentary photographer Matilda Temperley.

By her mid-twenties, Matilda realized that she would be able to tell stories faster with her camera, and she has done it remarkably since then in very different places from London to Africa.

Her stylised portraiture, sometimes provocative, always tries to capture the essence of the subject. Discover her work in high resolution powered by Prodibi!

A few words about you. Explain us, how did you start photography?

I studied the control of infectious diseases at The London School Of Tropical Medicine and worked in that field for a couple of years before deciding to change careers. I didn't know anything about photography at the time, but I thought it seemed like a good way to tell stories. I moved back to London and took any job that related to photography in any way. That was ten years ago.

How do you describe your style as a photographer? What is your process to create such colorful and stylish photos?

I think my images are quite simple and graphic. I hope they are also not too posed. The older I get, the more candid I like my pictures. My real love is documentary photography as it gets me out and about meeting interesting characters but I love the freedom fashion photography gives you as well. It is a completely different process as you make up the story rather than observing it.

For you, what describes a successful picture and why?

A successful image is one that grabs you immediately but doesn't shout. I prefer black and white images in general because of their simplicity and the fact that you can see the story faster. Fashion photography should be lighthearted and fun, or sexy and strong. For me, a bored-looking or super posed model makes me uncomfortable. The same as pouty selfies - they are the worst.

Are you inspired by the work of other photographers or artists? Which ones?

The greats for me are Avedon, Koudelka, Sarah Moon and Salgado.

Is there someone in the world you dream to photograph or a particular goal you wish to reach?

My best days as a photographer have all been with wonderful dance and circus performers, and I would love to do a book on circus. I have been working for years with circus performers, and they are a constant inspiration.

*Read On: Colors and moods in portrait photography with Akiomi Kudora and Fantastic portrait and fashion photography, Paula Sprenger gives a clean, honest, and peaceful look to her photos

About your photography gears, what are your favorite tools?

I use a Canon 5D, a Leica Q and a Mamiya 7. They are all totally different. The canon is a workhouse, the Leica is always with me, and the Mamiya is beautiful but temperamental and so comes out for special occasions.

Do you have projects for the future like workshops, personal series?

I am working on a book and a documentary on Somerset at the moment. It will be launched as an exhibition for the Rural Life Museum In Glastonbury next January. I grew up in Somerset and live here again now, and it has been amazing exploring the area. There are so many things to photograph without going very far from home.

To see more of Matilda's work:

Her Website
Instagram page


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