This week on the Prodibi Pixel Magazine, we go a different route than usual and we cover the different types of photography that you can come across as a photographer or a photo enthusiast.

From eye-opening landscape images to awe-inspiring fine art scenes, one point is obvious: the world of photography is incredibly nuanced and photographs come in countless forms.

Whether you shoot with a DSLR camera or a smartphone, it is rare that photographers only touch one single style and exploring different genre is almost a mandatory step in a journey to become a better artist. It is often the best way to develop your knowledge in the area and to gain an insight into what drives your taste for photography.

Technology has also played a key role in increasing the opportunity to experience visually. With new lenses, filters, or devices, you can virtually shoot any types of photography that come to your mind. However, do not think that since you are a great fashion photographer you can master the art of documentary photography, and vice versa, all genres have their particularity and codes that one needs to learn before becoming comfortable.

Understanding the different genres of photography is key for developing our knowledge in the area and also for gaining an insight as to where your photography fits.

Without further ado, check out some of our favorite types of photography to draw inspiration from!

Aerial Photography

Credit: Adam Krowitz

Architectural photography

Credit: Christian Theile

*Read On: Interview: Architecture Photography with Christian Theile

Automotive photography

Credit: Cam Bowers

Beauty Photography

Credit: Juventino Mateo Leon

*Read On: Beauty Shots like you've never seen by Juventino Mateo Leon

Black and White Photography

Credit: Ihor Malytskyi

Candid photography

Credit: Tim Mossholder

Composite Photography

Credit: Elias Amari

*Read On: Amazing Compositing images by the hand of photographer Elias Amari

Documentary Photography

Credit: Ian Macharia

Fashion photography

Credit: Gaetano Cartone

*Read On: Interview: Gaetano Cartone, Fashion Photographer in Japan

Fine art photography

Credit: Maria Svarbova

*Read On: Back in the past Socialist era with the fine-art universe of the Slovakian photographer Maria Svarbova!

Food photography

Credit: Lenaka

*Read On: Fabulous Food Fashion Photography with LenaKa

Interior Photography

Credit: Cera Hensley

*Read On: Uncover breathtaking and stylish Still Life and Interior Photography by Cera Hensley

Landscape photography

Credit: Alexandre Deschaumes

*Read On: Awaken your imagination with the ethereal beauty photographs of Alexandre Deschaumes

Macro Photography

Credit: Mustafa Öztürk

*Read On: Stunning Macro Photography by Mustafa Öztürk


Credit: Lara Callahan

*Read On: Dive into the glossy and minimal aesthetic universe of the Fashion photographer Lara Callahan

Product photography

Credit: Charles Deluvio

Sport photography

Credit: [Eerik Sandstrom](

Street photography

Credit: Bart Pogoda

*Read On: Street Photography in San Francisco with Bart Pogoda

Travel photography

Credit: Giacomo Bruno

*Read On: Interview: Giacomo Bruno, traveling the world and taking portraits!

Underwater photography

Credit: David Clode

Wedding Photography

Credit: Pierre Atelier

*Read On: Pierre Atelier: Wedding Photographer & Lifestyle Adventurer

Wildlife photography

Credit: National Geo

*Read On: Interview: Marina Reiter, Amazing Dog Photographer!

Prodibi is the quality, powerful, and easy way to showcase and share full-resolution images online. We help photographers display stunning images on the web and mobile.

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