This week on Prodibi, we go to a wonderful and under the radar destination, the enchanting sceneries of Wales!

Thomas Roberts, a talented Welsh Photographer, shared with us his awesome series of pictures from his homeland and his passion for landscape photography.

Discover his story and pictures in high res, all powered by Prodibi! Ymweliad da!

A few words about you. Explain me a little bit, how did you start photography?

I first got into photography when travelling around North and South America, I’d received a DSLR for my birthday earlier that year, but never had the time to get to grips with it. It didn’t come with me on the trip which I instantly regretted. A week or so in I purchased a second hand Yashica 35mm film camera from someone we were couchsurfing with. It was the best thing I did and allowed me to learn about the exposure triangle and composition.

When I returned home I was far more equipped to use the DSLR and have never really looked back. After experimenting with various kinds of photography I realised that landscape photography was my true passion that has gone hand in hand with my growing love for the outdoors.

Did you try other photography styles? Or Landscape Photography has always been your favourite one?

When I started I dabbled with various genres and spent some time photographing sports, mainly rugby games. It was something that really enjoyed but my budget at the time did not allow me to fully invest in the equipment required.

It is safe to say that Landscape Photography has always been a genre I have felt passionate about and it goes hand in hand with the love I have for my country, Wales. It gives me the opportunity to explore as well as showcase its beauty. Although Wales geographically is not a large country there is so much packed in to a small area, from stunning mountain scenery to miles of rugged coastlines and beautiful National Parks.

Regarding your photography gear. What is your favourite camera, lens and equipment?

I now use a Canon 6D full frame DSLR. As my photography often involves quite a bit of hiking I try to keep to carrying only two lenses at all times. The ones I depend on most are the 17-40mm and the 70-200mm Canon L. They are exceptionally sharp and meet the needs of my photography.

I try not to dwell too much on the requirements for the best gear on the market, as I know what I have is more than sufficient to produce great results. The other pieces of equipment that I couldn’t live without are my Lee filters and Manfrotto Carbon fibre tripod.

*Read On: Travel Photography with Giovanni Moioli
and 12 months of travel and drone photography following the steps of Jonas Hafner

An advice for beginners that want to start Landscape Photography?

A common issue with images that beginners take is that they lack a focal point. Just because there is a beautiful sunset or view, this does not always translate into a good opportunity for a photograph. The focal point can be a tree, a mountain or a wave, but it is important to know what you are trying to capture whilst composing the image.

Another piece of advice I would give is to get to know the landscape through different conditions. As weather and the seasons change, so does the light and atmosphere of a location so revisiting somewhere can often help you get to know how to adapt your photographic approach and capture a place at its optimal time.

Finally, with so many educational Youtube channels focused on photography I don’t think there has been a better time to learn. Art of Photography and Thomas Heaton are two of my favourites.

What was your favourite trip? Why?

When I usually have time for travel, I head to Snowdonia in North Wales. It is around a four hour drive for me and is somewhere I can’t get enough of. Even though I have visited some great National Parks like Yosemite, Banff and Jasper, Snowdonia fills me with excitement and despite numerous visits I always want to go back. Outside Wales, I would have to say my favourite photography trip was to the Isle of Skye. The light was incredible and the combinations of mountain and coast make for some incredible scenes.

###To see more from Thomas:


All photographs copyright Thomas Roberts and used with his permission.

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